List of Talks in the 2015-2016 Toric Geometry seminar
- introduction
- Orbit cone correspondence
- morphisms of toric Varieties and Further properties
- Toric properties coming from fans
- Toric varieties as GIT quotients
- Resolving singularities for toric varieties
- the cohomology of line bundles on toric varieties
- the GKZ decomposition
- moduli of quiver representations in toric geometry
- computational aspects of toric geometry
- intersection theory on smooth toric varieties
- reflexive polytopes and computational aspects
- the Bernstein-Kurishnenko theorem
Introduction to Toric Geometry
by Louis
We introduce the basic notions of toric geometry and explain how a the data of a toric variety is equivalent to that of a fan. We illustrate this construction with many examples. notes
the Orbit-Cone Correspondence
by Louis-Philipe
We explain the Orbit-Cone Correspondence in toric geometry and give some applications, namely, the equivalence of normal toric varieties and fans. We then introduce toric divisors and exhibit a fundamental exact sequence which allows us to compute the divisor class group. notes