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Exercise 1
The marks for Exercise 1 have been posted.
Everyone should read the detailed feedback on a file named report.txt uploaded to your E1 folder in your repo. This file does contain a detailed account which tests did your solution pass, which tests did your solution fail, and why. As per the marking scheme, half of the marks was dedicated to the code quality and half to the code accuracy. We have run 10 quality tests (checking every method return type and parameters), and 10 functionality tests.
Remark requests: will be accepted until Jun 24. Please send a detailed e-mail to your instructor, state your utorid, cdf id and explain what has gone wrong with marking of your work.
This exercise has been designed to practice Java classes and the svn. It is worth 1% of your final mark and it is due Jun 3, 2016 at 11:50pm.
For further details, please see the handout.
Exercise 2
This exercise has been designed to practice Java exceptions, generic data types, and interfaces. It is worth 3% of your final mark and it is due Jun 17, 2016 at 11:50pm. The starter code has been loaded to your repos (folder E2).
For further details, please see the handout.
Please use the corrected GraphInterface.
Exercise 3
This exercise has been designed to practice UML and design patterns. It is worth 3% of your final mark and it is due Jul 14, 2016 at 11:50pm. The starter code has been loaded to your repos (folder E3).
For further details, please see the handout.
The exercise 3 has been graded based on 24 unit tests (test code here) and an additional 6 points for the quality of the code.
Everyone got the quality points - they were awarded for following the observer pattern. So,if your mark is 23/30, that means your code passed 23-6=17 unit tests out of 24.
If you would like to know which test did your code fail, please take the published test code and run it as a unit test in Eclipse (package e3).