1. Lab 08 part 3 intro
2. Traversing
3. Searching
4. Inserting
5. Better insert
6. Deleting

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CSC 209 lab 08 exercises, week of 5 July 2022

The graded part of this lab is about linked lists in C.

A table of contents for this part of this lab appears at the right, although it is still necessary to complete this lab in order. As usual, please either run /u/csc209h/summer/present on the console of a lab workstation, or get the TA to record your attendance. Please do this first so that you don't forget.

Remember that you can check that your attendance has been recorded properly at https://wwwcgi.teach.cs.toronto.edu/~ajr/cgi-bin/auth/present

In today's lab we will avoid some of the string-handling concerns we've been dealing with in C lately, and instead work with linked lists in which the key and the data are both integers.

First, either on paper or on a computer, write a struct type declaration for one element of a linked list containing two integers and a pointer to the next item in the linked list. (If you like you could (re-)read some of the notes about structs at notes/struct.html now.)

Once you have your answer, please continue to my answer and a program to traverse the linked list.