CSC207 Software Design: Winter 2018

Course description

An introduction to software design and development concepts, methods, and tools using a statically-typed object-oriented programming language such as Java. Topics from: version control, unit testing, refactoring, object-oriented design and development, design patterns, advanced IDE usage, regular expressions, and reflection. Representation of floating-point numbers and introduction to numerical computation.

The course is delivered through two lecture hours and one lab hour per week (and the labs are mandatory). Lectures start on Friday 5 January. Labs start on Monday 8 January.


Section Lectures Room Instructor
L0101 WF12 LM161 Jaisie and Lindsey
L0201 WF1 LM161 Jaisie and Lindsey

Contact information


Lindsey Shorser
Office hours:
Tue 10:00-12:00 in BA 3219
Jaisie Sin
Office hours:
Wed 14:00-16:00 in BA 3219

Note that we share a course-specific email address. For electronic communication, please use email from your UTOR address for personal issues and use the discussion forum to ask general course-related questions. For email, please include “207” in the subject line, always sign your full name, and include your UTORid. (This saves us a ton of time and gets you a faster response.)