Our project (Darwin Chan, Adrian Horodeckyj) for assignment 3 actually features two animations: The primary one coded under openGL as per specifications and a secondary companion animation, (the "CoAnimation") that was created in Maya, which is designed to use the themes of the main animation and apply them in a different way. The contents of this disk features said companion animation along with its maya file and some still renderings of the scene in high resolution (since the animation features only 320 X 240 -- I wanted to show some of the work using materials as well. There are examples of 2D/3D texturing, bump mapping, various materials settings, transparency, translucency, index of refraction, lighting, keyframing, ease in ease out... Many of which were discussed in class. This animation, (with the exception of the soundtrack) is made from scratch; models, material properties, keyframes, skeletons, etc are my original work. While the primary animation is meant to showcase our application of openGL technology, this animation (hopefully) showcases knowledge of the principles used to govern animations, along with qualities that makes an engaging and enjoyable animation. I understand that it is not typical to have companion animations, especially ones rendered using Maya, but I submit this as our bid to go "above and beyond the call of duty". Prior to this, I have never used Maya (or any computer modeling or animation software) before and this represents considerable time and effort in both learning and implementation. I hope you enjoy this animation. Darwin In case you're curious, the music used in the animation: Clare de lune - Debussy In the hall of the Mountain King - Edvard Greig Adagio for Strings - Samuel Barber