1 team members: Phong Do

2 Submitted ray tracing file: a.png, b.png

3 Source data files: main.cpp  		//main file to show animation
		     tracer.cpp		//tracing algorithms
		     rayobj.cpp		//object class
		     sphere.cpp		//sphere class
		     plane.cpp		//plane class
		     light.cpp		//light class
		     ists.cpp		//class to hold information about scene
		     imagep.cpp		//holds information about the colour for the pixels
		     texture.cpp	//texture class for loading textures
		     material.cpp	//class for containg material properties
		     ray.cpp		//contains data for each ray
		     file_loader.cpp	//load initialization file containing objects and light in scene
		     vector.cpp		//3 dimensional vector class
		     Makefile		//makefile
		     defs.h		//containing definitions
		     a.ini		//holds scene information for scene a.ppm
		     b.ini		//holds scene information for scene b.ppm
		     *.ppm		//textures I used for the scene

4 Compile and run instruction
Compile: run makefile to compile.
run: demo <source initization file> <destination ppm file>
note that the image saver routine does not work very well, so I used the screen shot capture to obtain the images.

5 Descrption.
use an initizliation file (*.ini) to create any scene.

a.ppm:	this scene contains spheres with textures of various planets in a room.  The side walls are reflective.  A plane at the back is transparent.  Some spheres here are transparent or reflectie or neither.

b.ppm:  this scene just contains 4 reflective bounding walls and three spheres:  The sphere at the bottom is reflective, the sphere at the middle is normal, and the sphere at the top is transparent.

6 Cited sources.
The local illumination shading algorithm are found in the course text book.  some calculation algorithms not from me are documented in the source code.

7 Division of labour. None