1. Team members: Karman Chan(c2chanka 991069348) and Gwun-Hone Chin (g2chingw 991492951) 2. Submitted animation file(s): movie.mpg 3. Source and data files: a3.cpp // out animation source file. ui.cpp // some ui controls for my animation program bunny.cpp // object file for the bunny bunny.h // header for bunny object turtle.cpp// object file for the turtle turtle.h // header for turtle object carrot.cpp// object file for the carrot carrot.h // header for the carrot object sweat.cpp // object file to animate the tear drop sweat.h // header file for the sweat object lightening.cpp// object file for the lightening bolt (see note 8) lightening.h // header file for the lightening bolt Makefile // makefile to compile executable. movie.mpg // movie file for this project anim.exe // executable for our animation 4. Compile and execute instructions: type 'make' then enter 'anim' after it compiles. Or play the movie.mpg file directly 5. Description: This animation is based on the well-known tortois and hare race. In this story, the turtle won the race not because he is more hard working, it is because he is racing down the hill while the rabbit has to hop up the hill. The file importer for the polygon mesh and animation data was downloaded from the course website. We implemented cubic interpolation between keyframes and add lighting effects to the characters. 6. References/Sources: The original idea was to model the scene on a hill using NURBS and texture mapping. Our TA Shahzad Malik helped us to derive the algorithm. Unfortunately the movie file became too slow to render at the end and we abandoned this idea but the source code still exists in the file and the texture mapping works perfectly. 7. Division of Labour: Gwun coded the keyframes and Karman coded the object files. Gwun created the bunny object class as well. We collaborated well as a team.