1. Team Members: Ivan Avramov, 991559684 2. There are some sample renderings in the pics directory 3. All the files are in teh top directory. The files of interest are: Makefile: makes the files RayTracer.cpp: the main driver for the ray tracer. Scene.cpp: Models a scene (world) this is where the raytracing is executed. 4. Compile: make Run: ./RayTracer this will run the second of the scenes I have. 5. The ray tracer implements a plane, cylinder and sphere primitives. The raytracing is basic, using Phong illumination. The raytracer produces a PPM image called out.ppm of the rendering. The primitives are added in the RayTracer.cpp file, from where the whole operation of the raytracer is controled: camera setup, image size, scene setup, etc. 6. I've used the course book as reference. 7. I did all the work myself.