Table of Contents
1) Game Installation
2) Running the Game
3) Game Story
4) Game Controls
5) Game Features
6) Bugs
7) Acknowledgements
1) Game Installation
Type make
2) Running the Game
Type orange at the command prompt followed by the number of players and the level you would like to play. The game supports up to 8 players and currently has 2 levels.
Level 1: Bumpy Terrain
Level 2: Sin Wave
3) Game Story
The evil Baron Von Juicemeister has seized control over the land of Citrus. In an evil scheme, he has pitted eight of the world's most heroic oranges against each other in the Arena of Sport. The Baron has declared survival of the fittest. Only the most powerful orange will escape with his life.
4) Game Controls
You can left click and drag the mouse to adjust the player's view, or you can use the following key commands:
W: look up
A: look left
S: look down
D: look right
Q: power up
E: power down
F: fire your weapon
T: toggle weapons
C: change camera angle
N: end your turn
X: exit the game
5) Game Features
Here are some of the features in the game.
i) Multiple Camera Angles
Type C to change your camera angle. There is the DYNAMIC camera mode which lets you adjust the player's view by dragging the mouse. While in the REVERSE or SKY camera modes, you may only adjust the player's aim by using the keyboard.
ii) Weapon Types
This version of the game is limited to only two weapons. The first is the standard seed, which explodes when it hits the ground. The second is the multi-seed which explodes into four at the peak of its ascent. Be careful, you only get three of these.
iii) Deformable Ground
The seeds used by the oranges are not your ordinary seeds. They not only destroy other oranges, but the ground itself. Try dooming one of your opponents by digging him into a deep hole.
iv) Player Flags
Each player has a different flag to represent their colour.
Player 1: Red
Player 2: Blue
Player 3: Yellow
Player 4: Green
Player 5: Purple
Player 6: Cyan
Player 7: Grey
Player 8: Black
6) Bugs
i) Seed/Ground Collision Detection
Seeds have been known to pass through the ground on occasion. While this is not a common occurence, it happens enough to justify putting it in this section.
ii) Floating Oranges
Occasionally an orange will fail to drop to the ground. While I think this bug has been eliminated, it may occur from time to time.
7) Acknowledgements
I'd like to thank Aaron Hertzmann, Karan Singh, Chris Klochek and Kevin Forbes for their ideas and support. A portion of the code was obtained from starter code used for previous CSC418 assignments. This is my first video game and I am very proud of it. If you have any questions, please e-mail me at jon [dot] sohn [at] utoronto [dot] ca.