This animation is a short comic video showing a base being attacked by an intruding robot, and how the defending robot fights the intruder.
The whole animation was written using OpenGL primitives and the GLUT library. None of the objects in the movie was imported except for the images of the sky and the initials of the team members shown at the beginning of the movie.
What is special about this animation is that we used OpenGL's accumulator to incorporate motion blurs in some scenes. Motion blur and stretching the background are used in order to show the high speed movement of the two robots. We also include fog in our animation and created shadows for all objects. Material (texture wrapping) and different lighting properties(such as ambient, emission, diffusion, specular, etc) are also used exessively in our programs. The most special effect in our movie is that we used particle engine to make fire and explosion near the end of the movie.
In addition, we also used sinc function to implement some waves that occur in the ocean when a robot emerge from the water and experimented on how water behaves when a large object emerge from it. Most of the scenes have more than 10 degrees of freedom.
The animation is divided into many scenes. Because of the order we start writing the scenes, the file names for different scenes may not be in the right order, and we had also divided up some scenes to give more cinematic effects.