CSC384 -- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Summer 2020

Assignment 4: Baeysian Networks

A4 Help Sessions

We will be conducting several sessions where students can get one-on-one help with their assignments, or just hang out and listen to others' questions. Information will be posted below.

A4 Help Sessions will be announced here and on Piazza.

In addition, John, who does research related to fairness/bias at the Vector Institute, has very generously agreed to provide a primer on the topic for those that are interested; the details are:

Primer on Bias and Fairness (with John)
August 7, 5:30 - 6:30 EST

Specification of the Assignment

In this assignment, you will do some problems related to probability and exact inference using Bayesian Networks. Half of the assignment will be done on paper and using Google Forms, and some that involve a coding exercise. You will be implementing the Variable Elimination algorithm, and using it to reason about probabilities. You must use the local software and assignment as described below.

Assignment 4 Handout (posted July 20, updated July 21)

The following zip files are part of the A4 specification:

Important: It's your responsibility to monitor the A4 Clarifications Page for any clarifications or corrections.

There are two A4 TAs who are available via Piazza for questions concering the assignment.

The first, Parsa Mirdehghan, will work to support the implementation of Variable Elimination. He can be contacted at p.mirdehghan at

The second, John Chen, will work to support quiz prep and the question on fairness. He can be contacted at johnn.chen at

If you have a question of a personal nature, please email one of the TAs or an instructor, placing A4 and 384 in the subject header of your message.