So far, we have focused on queries, but of course we also need to be able to change the content of a database. Let’s look at how to insert and delete rows, and also how to change rows that are already in a table.
We’ve already seen examples where we literally give the values to be inserted. For example, we define the schema for a small table below. (We’ll learn the full details of the Data Definition Language part of SQL shortly, but this example is simple enough to make intuitive sense.)
Here we insert literal values into the table:
csc343h-prof=> INSERT INTO Ages VALUES
csc343h-prof-> ('Amna', 21), ('Zach', 25), ('Miriam', NULL), ('Ben', 0);
We can confirm that the values are there:
csc343h-prof=> SELECT *
csc343h-prof-> FROM Ages;
name | age
Amna | 21
Zach | 25
Miriam |
Ben | 0
(4 rows)
Another way to insert rows is to compute the values to be inserted. For example, here we find everyone who has taken a first-year course and insert them into the table using 19 for their age (pretty silly):
csc343h-prof=> INSERT INTO Ages
csc343h-prof-> (SELECT DISTINCT firstname, 19 AS age
csc343h-prof(> FROM Student JOIN Took USING (sID)
csc343h-prof(> JOIN Offering USING (oID)
csc343h-prof(> WHERE cnum <= 199);
We can see the five new rows:
csc343h-prof=> SELECT *
csc343h-prof-> FROM Ages;
name | age
Amna | 21
Zach | 25
Miriam |
Ben | 0
Leilani | 19
William | 19
Afsaneh | 19
Avery | 19
Homer | 19
(9 rows)
Notice that INSERT INTO
added the new rows to what was already in the table.
If we are inserting rows and don’t have a value for one or more of the attributes, we can omit it from the insertion and the DBMS will use a default value in that column. We accomplish this by naming the attributes that we are providing values for. We could have used this feature in the previous example rather than assume that all first-year students are 19.
Let’s look at a new example. Suppose we want to create a table to track invitations and RSVPs for an event for scholarship winners. We might define the table as follows:
csc343h-prof=> CREATE TABLE Invite (
csc343h-prof(> name TEXT,
csc343h-prof(> campus TEXT DEFAULT 'StG',
csc343h-prof(> email TEXT,
csc343h-prof(> age INT);
(Notice that we have defined a default value for campus
In the following query, we provide values for name
and email
, and let the DMBS fill in default values for the other columns:
csc343h-prof=> INSERT INTO Invite(name, email)
csc343h-prof-> (SELECT firstname, email
csc343h-prof(> FROM Student
csc343h-prof(> WHERE cgpa > 3.4);
Since the campus
attribute has a default value (StG
) defined in its schema, this value is used; and since age
does not, NULL
is used for it:
csc343h-prof=> SELECT *
csc343h-prof-> FROM Invite;
name | campus | email | age
William | StG | will@cs |
Leilani | StG | lani@cs |
(2 rows)
To delete some rows from a table, we simply specify the condition that must be satisfied in order for a row to be deleted.
For example, let’s find all the failing grades:
csc343h-prof=> SELECT *
csc343h-prof=> FROM Took
csc343h-prof=> WHERE grade < 50;
sid | oid | grade
99132 | 14 | 39
157 | 11 | 39
11111 | 17 | 46
11111 | 14 | 40
11111 | 15 | 0
11111 | 16 | 17
11111 | 34 | 45
(7 rows)
csc343h-prof=> -- There are 57 rows in total in the table, including
csc343h-prof=> -- the 7 that we found above containing failing grades.
csc343h-prof=> SELECT count(*)
csc343h-prof=> FROM Took;
(1 row)
Here, we delete those 7 rows that have failing grades:
csc343h-prof=> DELETE FROM Took
csc343h-prof-> WHERE grade < 50;
csc343h-prof=> -- There are 50 rows left.
csc343h-prof=> SELECT count(*)
csc343h-prof=> FROM Took;
(1 row)
To delete all rows from a table, we just omit the WHERE
csc343h-prof=> DELETE FROM Took;
csc343h-prof=> -- There are no rows left.
csc343h-prof=> SELECT count(*)
csc343h-prof-> FROM Took;
(1 row)
csc343h-prof=> -- There really aren't!
csc343h-prof=> SELECT *
csc343h-prof-> FROM Took;
sid | oid | grade
(0 rows)
To change the values of certain attributes in certain rows we use an UPDATE
statement with this general form:
table SET
list of attribute assignments WHERE
condition on tuples;
For example, here we update the (at most) one row with sID
csc343h-prof=> SELECT * FROM Student;
sid | firstname | surname | campus | email | cgpa
99132 | Avery | Marchmount | StG | avery@cs | 3.13
98000 | William | Fairgrieve | StG | will@cs | 4.00
99999 | Afsaneh | Ali | UTSC | aali@cs | 2.98
157 | Leilani | Lakemeyer | UTM | lani@cs | 3.42
11111 | Homer | Simpson | StG | doh@gmail | 0.40
(5 rows)
csc343h-prof=> UPDATE Student
SET campus = 'UTM'
WHERE sID = 99999;
csc343h-prof=> SELECT * FROM Student;
sid | firstname | surname | campus | email | cgpa
99132 | Avery | Marchmount | StG | avery@cs | 3.13
98000 | William | Fairgrieve | StG | will@cs | 4.00
157 | Leilani | Lakemeyer | UTM | lani@cs | 3.42
11111 | Homer | Simpson | StG | doh@gmail | 0.40
99999 | Afsaneh | Ali | UTM | aali@cs | 2.98
(5 rows)
(We know there can’t be more than one row updated because sID
is the primary key of this table.)
In this example, we update possibly many rows. Before we do the update, let’s see all the grades of one particular student:
csc343h-prof=> SELECT *
csc343h-prof=> FROM Took
csc343h-prof=> WHERE sID = 99132;
sid | oid | grade
99132 | 1 | 79
99132 | 16 | 98
99132 | 31 | 82
99132 | 11 | 99
99132 | 14 | 39
99132 | 15 | 62
99132 | 34 | 75
99132 | 5 | 98
(8 rows)
Now we raise several of this student’s grades to 100.
csc343h-prof=> UPDATE Took
csc343h-prof=> SET grade = 100
csc343h-prof=> WHERE sID = 99132 AND grade > 95 AND grade < 100;
And here we see that the updates were indeed made:
csc343h-prof=> SELECT * FROM Took WHERE sid = 99132;
sid | oid | grade
99132 | 1 | 79
99132 | 31 | 82
99132 | 14 | 39
99132 | 15 | 62
99132 | 34 | 75
99132 | 16 | 100
99132 | 11 | 100
99132 | 5 | 100
(8 rows)
For further information about database modifications, see the chapter on Data Manipulation in the PostgreSQL Documentation.