CSC 270: Topics covered so far, evening section
- Tuesday September 10:
- course info sheet (available in
or PDF)
- computer accounts
- passwords
- "Student Guide to CDF" (available in
postscript or
- Introducing the C programming language:
gcd example
- where C differs from Java and where it doesn't
- #include <stdio.h>
- C definition of "main()" (returns int)
- declarations versus definitions
- declaration: tells the compiler how to access the item
- definition: creates the item (and in C, is also a
declaration, but not vice versa)
- declarations must appear at the beginning of a scope
(before any non-declaration statements)
- An uninitialized local variable has no default value, and
to use its value before assigning one is an error.
Furthermore, the error is not diagnosed!
- In general, no run-time checking.
- use "int" for boolean in C
- no objects; no polymorphism
- compiling C programs ("gcc -Wall -ansi -pedantic file.c")
- Tuesday September 17:
- C data types: int, long
- double (rarely use "float")
- char (just small ints)
- in fact most things in C are ints (booleans, char literals, ...)
- "literals"
- 38 -- int
- 38L -- long
- 0x2a -- int (42) (base 16)
- 033 -- int (27) (base 8)
- Careful not to make ints accidentally octal! It's the
leading 0 which does it.
- Cute fact: the literal "0" is therefore, technically, an
octal constant. (doesn't actually matter)
- can combine base and 'L'
- if number contains decimal point or 'e', it's a "double" (floating-point) literal
- char literals are ints (as opposed to strings, later)
- 'a' (97)
- '\033' -- same as 033 (27)
- '\n' -- 10 in unix
- default promotions
- char to int, float to double
- mixed-mode arithmetic
- 5.3 / 60 is of type double
and it does real division.
- double + double -> double (obviously)
- int + int -> int (obviously)
- double + int -> double
- int + double -> double
(for any operator)
- integer data representation (first section of
- arrays
- memory is a vast array of "bytes"
- each byte has an "address"
- objects (such as ints) are made up of multiple consecutive bytes
- If we want a 32-bit int, that's four bytes. In a row.
A particular int variable might occupy memory locations 1234,
1235, 1236, and 1237. (If ints are four bytes, which is not
- int a[10];
- Suppose ints are four bytes, and 'a' starts at location 1234.
- Then the integer a[i] starts at location 1234 + 4 * i.
- "pointer": high-level version of an "address"
- pointer declarations and values
- int i;
- int *p; -> declare p to be of type pointer-to-int
- i = 3;
- p = &i; -> assign p to point to i
- printf("%d\n", *p); -> "dereference" -- follow a pointer
- i = 4;
- printf("%d\n", *p); -> prints 4
- Thus '&' and '*' are opposites.
- pointer arithmetic
- p + 3 -- yields the address which is three ints later,
i.e. address(p) + 12
- So if p contains the address of a[0], p+i is the address
of a[i].
- For two expressions x and y, x[y] is defined as *((x) +
- So, how is this going to work with arrays, if we haven't
declared any pointer variables?
- An array name in an expression context decays into a
pointer to the zeroth
- e.g. a[3]:
- the 'a' becomes a pointer to the zeroth element, e.g.
of type pointer-to-int
- add three to get pointer to element number 3
- dereference
- Tuesday September 24:
- comment syntax: /* ... */
- array parameters:
array parameter example
- Special weird rule for formal parameters only:
You can write void setsquares(int a[])!
- I strongly recommend against this.
- It is still a pointer!
- This weird conversion rule is specific to formal parameter lists!
- printf and scanf format letters
- structs (first section of
declaration syntax, struct "tags",
assignment and parameter passing (passes/assigns the entire object, not a pointer!)
- floating-point
- Tuesday October 1:
- numerical methods (readings listed from first two sections of readings
- truncation error (section 1.5)
- relative and absolute error (parts of section 1.4)
- root-finding (sections 5.2, 5.4, 5.6)
- quadrature (numerical integration) (section 8.1; skim 8.2.1)
- don't compare floating-point numbers for equality;
don't subtract near-equal quantities
("catastrophic cancellation" in section 1.4)
- round-off error and "bias" (section 1.4)
- Also read notes on "machine epsilon", section 1.3
- Mentioned polynomial evaluation --
read poly.html.
- Tuesday October 8:
- Graph theory (second major
readings contents)
- Basic definitions
- Graph isomorphisms
- Graph colouring
- Application: "register colouring" in a compiler
- Data representation of graphs
- ... to be continued
- More about structs in C: dynamic allocation, linked lists and
similar structures. Achieving abstract data types through
- Tuesday October 15:
- continue graph theory
- The C pre-processor.
- Tuesday October 22:
- Tuesday October 29:
- Tuesday November 5:
- Tuesday November 12:
- Tuesday November 19:
- Tuesday November 26:
- Tuesday December 3:
- More C or C++ topics (finish files? funny C++ stuff?)
- Review
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