Tentative course outline, CSC 258, Fall 2008
Note! This is just a plan! Everything below is
subject to change!
References below are as follows:
- M&K
- Mano & Kime,
Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, fourth edition,
Prentice-Hall, 2008.
In some cases I've left in references to the second edition section numbers,
when I have them around. 'e' stands for "edition"; "2e" is "second edition".
- HVZ, or HVZ5e, or HVZxe for any x
- Hamacher, Vranesic, and Zaky. 'e' stands for "edition", i.e. "5e" is
"fifth edition".
When I just write "HVZ", that means I think that maybe the section or chapter
numbers will be the same in some earlier editions.
For full citations for these and other books,
plus some comments from me about the books,
see the textbooks document.
Course information (September 9)
- Course information sheet in HTML or
- Also distributed many documents from the
lab handouts
directory: lab dates, lab notes, lab data sheets, practice lab.
- Also distributed
- There is a document about textbooks.
- E-mail is the best way to reach me and to ask questions.
You will get a CDF account on the basis of being enrolled in CSC 258
(or your "permanent" cdf account will be added to the 258 unix group, etc).
- Photo id student cards will be required during the midterm and the exam.
- Please find a lab partner.
Intro to logic gates, circuits, and boolean algebra
(September 9)
- Levels of a computer system
- Intro gates etc in M&K 2-1
or HVZ A.1 (that's appendix A, section 1)
- Two different interpretations of boolean values:
- 1) enable/disable: as in the light switch example, one state means
to make something go, the other means to stop it. Also known as
yes/no or true/false.
- 2) numeric: one state means a zero, the other means a one.
- Due to the influence of the numeric interpretation, we'll usually
write the two states as 0 and 1, even when we're interested in the
enable/disable/true/false interpretation.
This should not be understood as a theoretical association of zero and
one with true and false;
nor does it mean that a zero is necessarily the state without current
or a one the state with current.
- Boolean algebra topics: operators, precedence rules, laws
- More boolean algebra in M&K 2-2
- Boolean algebra operators and identities handout
- We proved the three absorption laws.
Combinational circuits (September 16 (and a bit of September 9))
- Characterization of combinational circuits (the following are
alternative characterizations):
- the outputs are a function (only) of the inputs.
- the circuit is acyclic (no feedback from a gate to a "previous"
gate, i.e. there exists a partial ordering of the set of gates such
that the output of a gate is always connected only to "later" gates,
with respect to this ordering).
- the circuit is describable by a boolean expression.
- Adders:
see M&K 4-2 (or 3-8 in 2e)
or HVZ 5e section 6.1
- DNF/CNF, sum-of-products expressions,
minimal sum-of-products
expressions and Karnaugh maps
- Mano&Kime 2-3, 2-4, and 2-5 (although I find that notation
(which I think is a standard one) to be annoying)
- HVZ A.2 and A.3
- more thorough treatment in Langholz et al (see
- basic combinational circuits (M&K 3-1)
- decoders (HVZ A.9; M&K 3-7 (or 3-5 in 2e));
seven-segment display decoder (HVZ A.9)
- multiplexers (HVZ A.10; M&K 3-9 (or 3-7 in 2e))
- PLAs (HVZ A.11.1; M&K 6-8)
Sequential circuits (September 23)
- SR latch (HVZ A.6 intro; M&K 5-2 (or 4-2 in 2e))
- D latch, clocked latches (HVZ A.6.1; M&K 5-2 (or 4-2 in 2e))
- what we want in a register (somewhat discussed in M&K 7-1 and
7-2 (or 6-1 and 6-2 in 2e))
- master-slave flip-flop (SR flip-flop, D flip-flop) (HVZ A.6.2 and
some of A.6.3; M&K 5-3 (or 4-3 in 2e))
- JK flip-flop (HVZ A.6.5; M&K 5-3 (or 4-3 in 2e))
- counter (ripple counter) (HVZ A.8; M&K 7-6 (or 5-4 in 2e))
- synchronous counter (HVZ A.13.1 to some extent; M&K 7-6 (or 5-5
in 2e))
- register with parallel load, shift register, shift register with
parallel load, etc (HVZ A.7;
M&K 7-1 (or 5-2 in 2e))
- pictures shown in class
Computer arithmetic and two's-complement representation
(September 30, approximately)
- more analytical examination of addition circuitry
- negative numbers and two's-complement representation
- overflow-bit computation
- some notes on multiplication
Some possible references:
- Stallings chapter 8 or 9 (depending on edition) (see textbooks.html)
- M&K some of chapter 4 (or 3-8 through 3-11 in 2e)
- HVZ 5e chapter 6, especially 6.1 (it's also chapter 6 of 4e; but it's
chapter 7 of 3e)
- HVZ section 2.1
- my notes for me (long and rambly --
basically, organized for talking rather than reading, but might be useful
as a recap)
Memory organization (October 7)
- the machine language program resides in main memory;
"byte-addressable", endian issues, use of octal/hexadecimal
- the above are discussed in HVZ 2.2
- kinds of memory (RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM) (HVZ section 5.1,
and intro to section 5.2, and section 5.3)
- communication with the CPU
(HVZ 2.3; M&K middle of 8-2 (or 6-2 in 2e))
- see notes re
kinds of memory and communication.
- We did the "kinds of memory" section fully.
- We only briefly discussed the "communication between the CPU
and the main memory unit" material, and we didn't introduce all of
the terminology introduced in that section -- we'll revisit that
part in detail when we talk about building a CPU, after machine
language programming.
Machine-language programming (in general) (October 7 and 14)
- other registers in the CPU
- fetch/execute/store cycle
- kinds of machine-language instructions
- addressing modes; register transfer notation
- instruction formats (numbers of operands, etc)
- references are HVZ 2.4 through 2.6; or M&K chapter 10 and
somewhat 9 (or chapter 6 in 2e)
Machine-language programming (October 14 and 21 and 28)
- example CPU and its basic characteristics
- addressing
- instructions
- subroutine linkage (the JSR and RTS instructions)
here went some odds and ends about the PDP-11 and branch instruction semantics
and further multiword arithmetic details, and maybe floating-point numbers
CPU organization and microprogramming (October 28, November 4, 11)
Midterm, November 4, 6:00, NOT IN TUTORIAL ROOM
Information at
I/O (November 11)
Interrupts (November 11, 18)
- M&K 12-6 and 12-7 (or 11-6 and 11-7 in 2e).
- HVZ 5e section 4.2 and somewhat 4.3.
- HVZ 3e 6.3 and 6.4; HVZ 4e 4.2 and 4.3.
- my notes (still sketchy)
Some concepts in RISC CPU design (approximately November 18)
- M&K Chapter 11-3, and 11-1 and 11-2
- some basic concepts in HVZ 5e 8.1 or HVZ 4e 7.1
- instruction set design: M&K 11-3 or HVZ 5e 8.4 or HVZ 4e 7.5
- pipelining: M&K 11-1 and 11-2; HVZ 5e 8.1 through 8.3, 8.5; or HVZ 4e chapter 7
- basic three-bus architecture, HVZ 5e 8.5 or HVZ 4e 7.4
- Caching is fairly important to RISC CPUs, and all other modern fast CPUs,
but we won't have time to discuss it.
I highly recommend reading some of chapter 13 of M&K (chapter 12 in 2e)
(perhaps after the exam).
Or there is discussion of caching in HVZ 5e 5.5 and 5.6, and then 8.1 again.
- register windows
- I've also posted some of my notes about RISC
Gate construction (approximately November 25)
Electronic realization of logic gates
Some possible references for further information (see textbooks.html):
- HVZ A.5 intro and A.5.1
- Fortney for a solid reference for gate construction
- Mano, Digital Design, for a gentler introduction to gate construction
- Some pictures
My introductory slide about levels of a computer system is
in notes/levels.html.
Physical limits affecting computer design; alternative architectures
(December 2)
Review (December 2)
[main course page]