CSC 236 exam topics

My further office hours

My regular office hours end with the end of classes. I would like to announce the following additional office hours:

If you can't make those times, please feel free to contact me to make an appointment, even if it's just for five minutes.

And, of course, you can always send e-mail.

The exam

The exam covers everything in the lectures and assignments, except as excluded below. If you've missed some lectures, meet someone else in the class and get copies of their notes. It is "cumulative". The format is much like the midterm, but longer (3 hours allowed).

Aids allowed: One 8½x11" aid sheet (both sides if you like). No calculators. And please turn off cell phones, pagers, ...

Exam timetable (slow; wait to see table, then scroll down)

The exam will potentially cover:

I do mean "potentially" -- obviously a three-hour exam can't be comprehensive over this range of material.

I would, however, like to promise you that the following topics are not going to be covered in the exam:

BRING YOUR STUDENT PHOTO ID CARD. You will have to put it face up on your desk.

To prepare for this exam, I suggest you go through your notes, assignments, and so on; but you can't learn this stuff by just reading about it, you have to do it. Pursue things you're confused about in assignments or the notes; do problems.

Find things you don't understand about the material, read, think; come to understand them. Ask other students, ask your instructor, come to office hours.

Last fall's exam is posted on the UTSC course web page at the end of (The St George exam was very similar.) In searching for other old exams, you will want to search for "CSC 238" as well as CSC 236. You may also want to review our midterm paper and solutions.

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