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Shell programming 5 of 6

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This is the fifth video in the shell programming video series. It requires the first four videos as background.

This video discusses some details of shell programming which you need to get right to make your shell program behave as a normal program in every way.

First of all, I want to emphasize what we've learned about quoting. If we have a file name in a variable named "filename", then writing "cat $filename" is almost always incorrect. This is incorrect because if the filename variable has a space in it, it will not be passed literally to 'cat'. Spaces in the middle will cause cat to see multiple arguments, which are different file names than the filename identified in the variable; and spaces at the beginning or end will be lost. We need to use double quotes to get the data from the filename variable into cat's first argument intact.
The quoting issue is not particularly about file names. It's about any data which might include spaces. And user input could contain anything.

Consider this shell script:

if test $1 = hello
    echo hiya!
    echo um, I'm not sure what to say
The interpolation of $1 in that 'test' line made a line which looked like "test once upon a time = hello", which is a syntax error for test. (So test failed with an error exit status, not meaning to indicate that the condition was evaluated as false, but with an error nevertheless, so the 'else' clause was taken.)
To make this correct we need to put double-quotes around the $1.
There's another problem with that shell script. I'm now going to run this under bob's account, as shown by the different prompt.
What happened there??!?
This looks normal...
But look at this:
What's going on?
The value of PATH looks normal enough, but look at this: [cat /u/bob/bin/test]

Since this was earlier in the PATH than /bin, we got Bob's version of test rather than /bin/test. Is this a problem? Well, you might think that this means that shell programs can't be serious programs. A normal program written in C or Python or any normal programming language wouldn't be susceptible to this sort of thing. But shell programs don't have to be susceptible to this sort of thing either. The correct sh program almost always has to begin with an assignment to the PATH variable.

"/bin:/usr/bin" is generally a good assignment to the PATH variable. It's not standard between different versions of unix which of the core commands are in /bin and which are in /usr/bin, but the core commands will all be in one or the other of these two directories.

If we make our own local assignment to PATH, that will replace any PATH variable in the environment. We will find the standard commands, not anything else silly. This also deals with the situation where a user has a private PATH variable setting which doesn't include /bin or doesn't include /usr/bin.

Now, I should say that I had to find a very old version of sh for this example. Modern versions of sh all have a built-in version of test, so it doesn't use your PATH for that. But you can experience this problem with most commands, just not "test". "cat" will do for an example, if you want to try it out.
Another requirement of the well-behaved shell script is to deal with temporary files properly. We often use temporary files in shell scripts, more often than in programs in normal programming languages. For example, we might have a pipeline which produces some output, which we want to compare, with versus without some additional filter cmd4.
cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3 >tmpfile
cmd4 <tmpfile | cmp - tmpfile
Using a temporary file is the easiest way to write this; and it's the only way to write this which doesn't execute the cmd1|cmd2|cmd3 pipeline twice.

But to write it just like this is an error. The current directory might not be writable. Or worse, the current directory might already contain a file named tmpfile, which this command destroys! Even if neither of these is a problem, we don't want running our shell script to leave files named "tmpfile" all over the place.

There is a directory for temporary files, named "/tmp".
A first attempt at improving this is to put tmpfile in the directory /tmp.
This is better in some ways: The directory /tmp is writable by all.

Still, we don't want to leave messes around, so we will remove the file when we're done.

What about the concern about overwriting a valuable existing file? Does this solve this concern? We don't expect people to put valuables in /tmp. Or do we? Actually, we are putting valuable data in /tmp in this very code. Suppose two people run this shell script at the same time? They'll interfere with each other! We will use the special variable name $$, which expands to the process ID number of the shell running this shell script. Every process has its own unique process ID number. So this won't collide with any other running instances of this shell script.
Now, suppose the system administrator notices a bunch of garbage accumulating in /tmp over time. They want to fix whatever program is not cleaning up properly. But with this file naming strategy, it's pretty hard to tell which program this is! Suppose this program is named "slosh". We'll change the code to include "slosh" in the file name. Then we can see if some program's leaving around its temporary files. And at this point I'm going to introduce a variable name for the temporary file, so that we aren't repeating it everywhere.

Are you objecting because of the lack of double quotes? I hope you noticed! But we don't need the double quotes here because we know that the variable TMP doesn't contain any funny characters — we made up the contents of this variable just above! My earlier insistence on quoting variable interpolations was about variables which might include a space, which is any data from a user, but won't be a concern here. What about the dollar signs? The dollar signs aren't part of the variable's value; they're expanded in line one, but then the process ID is part of the variable's value. Could this process ID number contain exciting characters? No, '$$' always expands to one or more digits. So it's safe.

Ok. Suppose this program takes some time to run, and we press control-C. It's not going to get to the last line which deletes the temporary file. We can solve this problem too. There is a command "trap" which catches signals. You can say that if the user presses ^C, do these commands before terminating.

The first argument to trap is the command to execute — it can have a semicolon in it if you want to execute more complicated stuff, or it can even have newlines in it, so long as you make all those characters be the first argument by using appropriate quoting. And the rest of the arguments are a list of signal numbers to catch. It's designed this way because we have just one command, but one or more signal numbers.

Signal number 1 is what you get if someone closes the terminal window or terminates the ssh session — it's called "hang up".
Signal number 2 is what you get if someone presses ^C.
Signal number 15 is what you get if someone kills this process with the 'kill' command, with no options.

So 1, 2, and 15 are the usual signals to list here. If you press control-backslash, it sends signal number 3. We usually deliberately omit signal 3 from commands like this, so that if you are trying to debug your shell script, you can press control-backslash instead of control-C and get it to leave the temporary files for debugging purposes.

Why do we say "−f" in the rm command? Because someone might press control-C before it gets to creating the temporary file. In that case, it would be weird for the user to see an error message from rm. The −f option suppresses the error message if the file doesn't exist.

Now, I hope you are also objecting to the duplication of the 'rm' command. Especially since in a larger script, the two presumably-identical rm commands might be quite a distance away from each other. You can also specify '0' in the list of signals for trap. This is not a signal number, but means to do this command upon normal termination of the shell script.

So then we don't need to replicate the rm command at the end.

Another important thing to do properly is error handling. It's easy to write a shell script like this:
mkdir dir
echo blof >dir/blof
echo blah | grep h >dir/blah
echo Done!
but if that first 'mkdir' fails, for example if we are cd'd to a directory which isn't writable, then we can get a cascade of decreasingly meaningful error messages:
mkdir: dir: Permission denied
s4: line 2: dir/blof: No such file or directory
s4: line 3: dir/blah: No such file or directory
More sensible behaviour would be to output only that first error message, and stop. Furthermore, this terminated with an exit status of zero because the last command, the echo, succeeded. But we should be terminating with a non-zero exit status to indicate error. This is important if this is invoked in a 'make' file or in any other situation which examines the exit status to determine whether or not to proceed with some larger operation.
Checking everything for error is awkward, but necessary. But it doesn't have to be as verbose as the obvious method. This is so verbose that it fills the whole screen.
Instead, we can use "set -e":
When the 'e' option is in force, every command is checked for exit status by the shell. If it exits with non-zero exit status, the shell terminates immediately, with that exit status; the rest of the shell script is not executed.
We also want to be able to run our shell programs by just typing the command name, like we do for system commands, or for our compiled C programs. This is discussed in the sixth and final shell programming video, which involves topics having to do with shell programming and unix processes. These topics might be covered later in your course, so you might not be expected to watch the sixth video at this time — please check your course web pages for timing.