This is the third video in the series about shell programming.
Much of this video is about some other control constructs in sh which don't
involve process exit status. This video is not meant to be understandable
until you've already understood the previous two videos.
But first I want to talk about quoting in sh.
In normal programming languages, a string needs quotes, most commonly double-quotes.
If we want to run the "ls" command on two directories from our C program,
we're going to write something like this:
exec("ls", "dir1", "dir2")
That's pretty cumbersome, especially as compared to the command in sh:
Where the dollar sign is the shell prompt, we just write
"ls dir1 dir2".
We really wouldn't want to have to write this at the shell prompt
["ls" "dir1" "dir2"],
although you could argue that we should, because all three of these are
strings. But we really don't want sh to work that way.
In C or Java or Python, there's a bit difference between ls with the quotes or
without the quotes.
With the quotes it's a string; without the quotes it's a reference to some
existing variable or function or something named "ls".
However, in sh, these will be the same. They're both strings.
Everything's a string.
So how do we make this work? We use a dramatically different tactic than in a
normal programming language:
In a normal programming language, when you write something like "ls" the
programming language processor interprets it.
It figures out: is this a keyword, variable, function name, whatever.
But in sh, the shell will interpret only some things. If we write "ls",
that's a string, even without quotes. If we wanted it to be interpreted as
a variable name, then we would preface it with a dollar sign.
This is a good compromise for something which is both a programming language
and the way we type commands daily, but it has some odd consequences.
It means we need to have a way to suppress the special interpretation
of interesting characters.
How do we use the echo command to output an actual '>'? Suppose we want to
do something like this python program.
print 'To forward your mail to user@host, type: echo user@host >.forward'
Ok, that wraps around on this unusually narrow display in this video.
So I'm going to truncate it for this video:
print 'Fwd to user@host, type: echo user@host >.forward'
In sh, we can't just type this:
echo Fwd to user@host, type: echo user@host >.forward
What happened to the output? It went into the file .forward!
So we need to quote this, to suppress the special meaning of the '>'
As a matter of fact, there are three possible ways to quote this.
First of all, we can use a backslash to suppress the special meaning of a
single following character:
echo To forward your mail to user@host, type: echo user@host >.forward
Or we can use single quotes:
echo 'To forward your mail to user@host, type: echo user@host >.forward'
Or we can use double quotes.
echo "To forward your mail to user@host, type: echo user@host >.forward"
Single and double quotes have different semantics, but we need a more-involved
example to illustrate.
Let's customize the example address for the user. Suppose we have it in a
echo To forward your mail to $address, type: echo $address >.forward
Ok, it went into the .forward file; we need some quoting to make this work.
echo 'To forward your mail to $address, type: echo $address >.forward'
That's too much quoting! We want the special meaning of dollar sign to be
honoured, but the special meaning of greater-than to be suppressed.
echo "To forward your mail to $address, type: echo $address >.forward"
And double quotes do exactly that!
(With some wraparound.)
Double quotes suppress everything except for
dollar sign, backquote, backslash, and the closing double quote.
Whereas single quotes suppress more: everything except for
the closing single quote.
So, both single and double quotes suppress the special meaning of a
space! This is a bit subtle, but if we go back to the terminal window
we see that this double space was collapsed to a single space in
the output here,
... but was preserved when quoted.
That's because in this command, the first argument to
'echo' is just Fwd; the second argument is to; the third argument is
user@host; and so on,
... whereas in this command, there is only
one argument to echo, which is this string.
In any case, echo
outputs all of its arguments, separated by spaces, so the result is
very similar. But compare
cat a b
cat 'a b'
In the second case, the file name is actually the three characters a space b.
That three-character string is all one argument to cat. So, 'space' is also a
special character to the shell, and its special meaning is also suppressed by
Suppose we have a file named "hello world", with a space in the file name.
We might have a variable containing this file name...
If we wanted to cat the file normally, we couldn't do
"cat hello world",
because of course cat would get two arguments, neither of which is the file
Instead, as we now know, we have to use quotes:
cat 'hello world'
Similarly, if we want to use the variable, we can't write
"cat $filename",
because the shell interpolates the variable value, then takes the spaces as
separating arguments...
But again, single quotes suppress too much...
So we want double quotes...
The double quotes suppress the interpretation of the space, but they don't
suppress the interpretation of the dollar sign. So almost any time we have
a variable whose value might include a space, we are going to want to put
that variable interpolation in double quotes.
Ok, let's talk about more control constructs.
The 'for' construct is more like the one in Python than the one in C or Java.
The 'for' loops over any number of strings. Of course, you don't always
specify the list of strings literally.
Here we
loop over all file names ending with ".c".
The seq command is a useful tool which outputs a range of numbers based on
its arguments, very similar to range in Python.
This is very useful in a 'for' statement, in backquotes. If we write
"for i in `seq 1 4`"
then it will run seq, seq's output will be captured, the output will be
substituted in the command line, so this will be the same as writing
"for i in 1 2 3 4".
But that's more boring so let's go back to this.
Let's add the numbers from 1 to 100.
We haven't talked about processing the command-line arguments to your shell
script yet, but I will mention at this point that there is a version of the
'for' statement which loops through all of the command-line arguments.
You write "for" and a variable name, and that's all.
With no arguments, the loop executes zero times.
sh also has a "case" statement.
In case you were starting to miss the reversed keyword for the 'end' keyword,
here's another one in the "case" command.
The syntax is pretty weird with the closing parentheses in the case labels.
It's meant to look like numbered items in traditional text, in which we do use a
right parenthesis in this way.
But in a programming language, it's weird. But not really problematic.
In case you haven't seen "case" or "switch" in other programming languages
before, it's similar to a cascading if/elseif/elseif, except that there's
one value being compared always — each case compares it to a new fixed string.
So if $i expands to 'hello', we execute the first case; else if it expands to
'goodbye' we execute the second case. Each particular case is terminated with
the double-semicolon.
Programming languages with 'case' statements generally have the possibility
of a "default" case, which is executed if none of the fixed labels matches,
like the 'else' at the end of a cascading if/elseif/elseif.
In sh, we have a more general mechanism, which is that each of the case labels
is actually in the "glob" notation, the pattern language used for filename
wildcards. So for a default case, we can use an asterisk like here, which
matches anything... because the case labels are tested in order. So it's only
going to check the asterisk against the value of $i after 'hello' and
'goodbye' don't match.
And it is a loop, "for i"...
Here's that file again; you can pause the video if you want to look at it.
Let's have a little look at other uses of the glob notation in case labels:
Change "hello" to "hello*".
Now compare the behaviour of the old version...
to the new version...
Again, please pause the video if you want to look at this more.
That concludes the third video.
The fourth video in this series is about i/o redirection and about
command-line arguments.