
TA office hours

Tests, exam

Topic videos
Some course notes
Extra problems
Lecture recordings

Discussion board

Grades so far

Requests for special consideration

The due dates for labs and assignments in this course are strict. To be considered for course credit, work must be submitted by the specified deadline, unless there are exceptional circumstances which prevent this.

For medical reasons, medical notes are NOT required this term. You might have seen a doctor, or you might have taken care of your problem through other means. I don't need to know.

For non-medical reasons, again documentation is not required this term.

What is required is a statement with your explanation of the circumstances and your requested accommodation. You need to state the nature of the issue (e.g. "medical") and the duration (start and end dates) of the issue. And please be clear about which lab(s) or assignment is affected.

Your health information is private. For medical issues, you can just say "medical", no further detail. For other kinds of issues, please provide the level of detail you think I need to make a decision about your case.

Please send your statement to me by e-mail, in plain text.

Note that making a false claim is an offence under the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters. False claims will be prosecuted if possible. But mostly, I am relying on your honour to avoid making any false claims or exaggerating any genuine claims.

Also please note that a heavy workload or coinciding due dates are not the kind of exceptional circumstances which merit an extension or other special consideration. (You are expected to plan your work accordingly, and assignments in CSC 209 are always posted early so as to facilitate this.)