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Unix command options are fairly straightforward, but they really are a "little language" and parsing them is not entirely trivial. Furthermore, over the years a fair number of variants have been added, and backward-compatibility constraints have accumulated.

One source of complexity is the way that you can combine options, yet only the last option of a combined group can have an argument. For example, you can write "sort -rn", which is the same as "sort -r -n"; but you can't combine a "-k5" and "-r" option in that order to make "-k5r" because 5 is the argument to "-k" (and with "-k5r", the argument to -k would be "5r"). You can, however, write "sort -rk5".

Another source of complexity is the variation which unix programs have exhibited over the years in how they process arguments. Most of all, in writing a C program it's easier to insist that the argument (e.g. "5" in "-k5") must be part of the same element of argv; but in writing a shell script it's easier to insist that it be a separate element of argv. In the absence of a clear standard for command-line options, this differing bias caused there to be some programs which accepted it either way, some programs which required the separation, and some programs which prohibited the separation.

The solution was to create a library routine which does all of the option parsing, accepts all of the standard variants plus some of the other more obscure variants, and presents a straightforward interface for the C programmer such that they no longer have to care whether the option is in the same argv member as another option, or whether its argument is separated or together with the option — the library routine takes care of all of this.

Unix command-line options

A unix command consists of the command name in argv[0]; zero or more options with associated arguments as applicable in subsequent members of argv; and then zero or more non-option words in the rest of argv (usually file names, but this category also includes (for example) the pattern in grep).

Normally an option is distinguished from a non-option word by whether its zeroth character is a minus sign. Non-option words beginning with a minus sign cause difficulty only if they are not preceded by a non-option word which does not begin with a minus sign. In this case, or to allow reliable processing of unknown strings intended to be non-option words but where the lack of minus sign is not guaranteed, the special argv member "--" terminates the options.

Whether an option takes an argument typically affects the parsing of the command line. For example, if "-q" takes an argument, then "-qa" is option "-q" with argument "a"; whereas if it does not take an argument, then "-qa" is the same as "-q -a". Worse, if "-q" takes an argument, then in the command "cmd -q foo -a", foo is the argument to -q and -a is another option; whereas if -q does not take an argument, then in "cmd -q foo -a" both foo and -a are non-option arguments.

(The GNU option parsing library complicates this further by recognizing options even when preceded by non-option words, so "--" is more frequently necessary.)


With a sufficiently-modern C compiler, in unix/linux one calls getopt() after "#include <unistd.h>". Older C compilers may require including <getopt.h> instead.

An example may be clearer than the following description.

getopt() takes three parameters. The first two are argc and argv, respectively. The third is a string listing option key letters, plus colons to indicate that the previous letter takes an argument. For example, the string "c:x" indicates that the option key letters are 'c' and 'x', and that 'c' takes an argument, and 'x' does not. Whereas "cx:" would indicate that 'x' takes an argument and 'c' does not.

getopt() is meant to be called in a loop. Each time it is called, it returns a new option as appears on the command-line, in sequence from left to right, until it returns -1 as a signal that the options (as opposed to the non-option words) have been exhausted. The name EOF from stdio.h is usually used in the calling program instead of -1 (EOF is guaranteed to be -1 in stdio.h).

The getopt package exports not only the getopt() function, but also the variables optind and optarg. (Most implementations export more state information than this, but you can rely on getopt(), optind, and optarg.)

When getopt() returns an option letter which takes an argument (which you identified by following the option letter with a colon in the third parameter to getopt()), optarg is a pointer to the argument string. It is a variable of type pointer-to-char.

Examples with a program which takes a '-t' option with an argument which is the field separator:

Command line: a.out -t, file1 file2
When getopt() returns 't', optarg will point to the comma, i.e. it will be &argv[1][2]
Command line: a.out -t , file1 file2
When getopt() returns 't', optarg will point to the comma, i.e. it will be argv[2] (also known as &argv[2][0])
Command line: a.out -axt, file1 file2
When getopt() returns 't', optarg will point to the comma, i.e. it will be &argv[1][4]
(assuming that there are also non-argument-taking options 'a' and 'x')

At all points, optind (a variable of type int) indicates where getopt() is in its parsing of the argv array. Like a non-getopt()-using program, the getopt library function is basically doing a "for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)". However, it keeps returning to the caller so it can't use a local variable to keep track of where it is in argv, so it uses the global variable optind.

optind is rarely interesting to you (the caller of getopt()) inside your getopt() loop. However, after getopt() returns -1 (EOF), you need to process the non-option strings in argv.

To do this subsequent processing, you will start at argv[optind]. That is, you normally have a loop after getopt() is done which looks something like this:

	for (; optind < argc; optind++)
	    ... something with argv[optind] ...

and optind can also be used to do usage checking in the case that a program requires a certain number of non-option words on the command line; and if optind==argc there are no filename arguments (in which case most programs will read stdin).


All this is clearer with an example.


Using getopt in shell scripts

In shell scripts, string operations are inconvenient, hence the traditional practice of insisting that the user put the option letter and its argument in separate members of argv. Also, taking apart multiple combined option letters (e.g. "-ab" where this is equivalent to "-a -b") is annoying.

But rather than putting the burden on the user of our shell script, we use a command-line tool also called "getopt" which accepts any standard arrangement of options, and then canonicalizes the command-line into the easier-to-parse format. The first argument is the key letter string with colons, just as the third parameter to the getopt() library routine; subsequent arguments are the command-line as supplied by the user.

For example,

	getopt c:x -xc38 file1 file2
will output
	-x -c 38 -- file1 file2
In addition to recognizing "--" in the normal way in the command-line, the getopt command-line tool always includes it in its output, so that you can use it to find the end of the options.

argv (i.e. $1, $2, etc) can be reassigned en masse in sh with the 'set' command. This is the commonest way to use the getopt command-line tool. We can't quite write

	set `getopt c:x $*`
because the getopt output, beginning with a '-' as it always will, will be interpreted as command-line options by the 'set' command. We therefore again use the "--" feature of getopt() as called by set, to write:
	set -- `getopt c:x $*`
In the above case, this results in $1 being -x, $2 being -c, $3 being 38, $4 being --, and so on.

Parsing the result is most easily done with a loop using the sh "shift" command. Full example

You might be inclined instead to write

	set -- `getopt c:x "$@"`
but this doesn't help because any spaces in argv will be reparsed by the shell in doing the backquotes substitution anyway. To make this defect clearer, normally we write simply "$*" (without quotes).

One final note: Since getopt's exit status is very important, the above is only suitable if "set -e" is in effect. Usually we tend instead to store getopt's output in a temporary variable, test the exit status, then do "set -- $var". With "set -e" we are saved this burden, but lose the ability to output a suitable usage message.