
TA office hours

Tests, exam

Topic videos
Some course notes
Extra problems
Lecture recordings

Discussion board

Grades so far

My remaining office hours

Since classes are over, my regular office hours are now over. I will be holding further office hours shortly before the exam, specifically on Wednesday August 17 from 16:00 to 17:30. We will start in my office, BA 3218, but if I get more than a few people we can move to another room.

If you can't make that time, or if you want to see me prior to that date, please send e-mail and we'll see what we can do.

Posting on the course discussion board is still useful, and I will respond to messages there where applicable from time to time.

And, of course, you can always send me questions by e-mail. Many programming problems are most easily discussed by e-mail. Copy and paste entire .c files into e-mail messages so long as they're a couple hundred lines or less; copy and paste error messages into e-mail messages. (Don't e-mail me pictures of text, please. Copy and paste the text itself, not a picture. This applies to compiler output, program output, and program text.)