CSC 180: Introduction to Computer Programming


New! grades for all term work, and exam marks, but not final marks

Alan Rosenthal's office hours next term

What we've been doing so far, day by day (last updated November 28)

Old announcements likely no longer of interest have been moved to the end of this file or in with their associated assignment question.

Some notes on using ECF computers from home

Instructor e-mail policy

Handouts, assignments, and midterms

The HTML files are probably easier to deal with in your web browser, but the postscript and PDF files (either one) are the actual exact handouts.

Non-handouts (things available only on this web page or on ecf)

Old announcements (reverse time order, approximately)

Textbook coverage and exam coverage
Course coverage and exam coverage

Lecturer office hours, end of term

A little note about polynomial evaluation, as discussed in class, since it's not mentioned in the textbook. (Also, see lab 12 for notes on adaptive quadrature, and there is a solution posted for lab 12.)

Here is the list of people I need to see about assignment two similarities.

Midterm #2: The second midterm is Wednesday, November 21st, 4:30-6:00 (be on time!), in "Arthur Kruger Hall", room 111 of Woodsworth College, 119 St George Street, east side of St George, south of Bloor. You must bring your student photo id card. A one-page "aid sheet" is permitted. No calculators.
[map showing how to get to Woodsworth]
There will be assigned seats, at least to some extent, so watch here for further details or arrive at least ten minutes early.
There is some further information about coverage, etc.

Discussion of textbook coverage, especially relating to the second midterm

some C code for applying Newton's method to the calculation of square roots. This is not worth looking at right now, in my opinion, but many people were asking for a preview of this because it relates to a calculus assignment. I suggest you wait for me to develop this code in the lecture soon. (posted 14:30 Friday 16 November)

ROOM CHANGE! From now on, Wednesday classes (at 4:00 or 5:00 depending on lecture section) will be held in SF 1105 instead of in MC 252. (Except for the midterms!) The rooms on the other two days are unchanged. This move is because we can't seem to get the computer equipment in MC 252 working and I would like to demonstrate some things on the computer live from time to time.

Midterm #1: The first midterm is Wednesday, October 17th, 4:30-6:00 (be on time!), in "Arthur Kruger Hall", room 111 of Woodsworth College, 119 St George Street, east side of St George, south of Bloor.
[map showing how to get to Woodsworth]

Which questions should you be able to do from that 1997 midterm? (re first midterm this year)

A few random sample midtermish questions (for midterm #1)

Discussion of textbook coverage, especially relating to the first midterm

CSC 180 versus 181: Here is the current CSC 181 web page. You can look at last year's CSC 180 assignments and last year's day-by-day file. And of course there is a section in the course information sheet about this issue, at the bottom.