Write the mathematical expression
as a numeric expression in a text format suitable for use in a typical programming language. (The raised "a+b" indicates exponentiation. You can use "**" as the exponentiation operator.)![]()
In a mathematics course, there are two mid-term tests, each worth 25%, plus bi-weekly homework assignments, worth a total of 10%. This yields a "term mark" worth 60%, and the final exam is worth 40%. However, if you do better on the final exam than on the term work, then the final exam counts for 100%.
Here is a grades spreadsheet for a single student:
Write formulas for the following spreadsheet cells (all of the other cells are inputs):
Here is a spreadsheet modelling the growth of bacteria in a confined space:
The table in the first four lines is entered manually. After that, each row represents the progress within one hour. We list the bacteria count at the start of the hour, the number of new bacteria created, the number of bacteria which die, and the bacteria count at the end of the hour (which is the bacteria count at the beginning of the next hour).
The new-bacteria value is the start amount times the creation rate, using the ROUND built-in function to make this an integer (there's no such thing as a live fractional bacterium).
Similarly there is a death rate. At least this many bacteria will die. However, there is also a crowding limit. The most bacteria which can survive at once is the crowding limit in cell B2. Thus, the "end" column will never show a value greater than the B2 value.
Write the formulas for these cells as directed below, in the style of a spreadsheet program such as Gnumeric.
C7 (to be copied down):
D7 (to be copied down):
E7 (to be copied down):
A8 (to be copied down):
B8 (to be copied down):