Sample solutions:

One approach to this question was to take it as being about the basic recall versus recognition issue, as discussed at some length in class. The graphical user interface is all about recognition, which is a cognitively easier task, and can be performed at a much lower skill or experience level; the command-line interface is in many cases faster for skilled or experienced users.

Or there are plenty of other things you can say about the matter -- it did ask for only one advantage. The command-line interface is more flexible (or "powerful") in that you can easily do operations on multiple files, or on other data you just type into the terminal window after typing the command; and you can more easily specify options -- for example, the 'submit' command would be more cumbersome with a graphical interface, given all of the options.

Whereas the graphical user interface "facilitates experimentation", as we discussed when discussing graphical user interfaces; it looks nicer; you can spend all day changing fonts and colours for everything (you could argue this as either an advantage or disadvantage, depending on what you're trying to do with the computer); and so on.

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