On the CDF computers, how do you (answer very briefly):

a) get to a "terminal window"?

Solution: [select it from various possible places, e.g. the little Terminal icon on the bottom of the screen -- any such specific answer gets you the marks for this part]

b) start the "IDLE" IDE for Python?

Solution: Type "idle" in a terminal window.

c) view the contents of a (short) text file?

Sample solution: Type "cat file" in a terminal window, where "file" is an absolute or relative pathname for the file.

d) examine the list of names of files in the directory /etc ?

Sample solution: Type "ls /etc" in a terminal window.

e) log out?

Solution: Select "Log out" from the KDE main menu, then select 'Yes' to confirm. (You didn't have to mention the confirmation step to get the marks.)

(press 'back' in your web browser to get back to where you were in the exam)